To be or not to be vaccinated, that is the question!!

I regularly see reports in the mainstream media that we should be vaccinated against an ever growing number of diseases. However, there is, and has been since the introduction of the practice of vaccination, a large number of medical practitioners who advise that we should not be vaccinated.

Unfortunately, you will rarely find the recommendations of this latter group published by the mainstream media.

You can download a Report HERE that will tell you what these medical practitioners say about the vaccination industry and the valid reasons why their best advice is to refuse vaccinations.

Although short, this report is very precise in its message, and states quite categorically that ‘health cannot come through a needle’.

It also exposes the failings of the mainstream medical establishment in this controversy, that they are not trained to look to vaccines as a cause of ill-health. In fact it’s quite the reverse, they are actively encouraged to vaccinate. By whom? By the industry that sells them the vaccines in the first place.

The report is written from an American perspective, but the essential points it makes are valid for all of us no matter where we live.

It’s a sad fact that ‘medicine’ is not a science, it’s an industry; an industry generated from Big Pharma that has our ill-health, not our good health, at its heart. For it is only by keeping us as lifelong ‘consumers’ that they continue to be Big.

Dr Vernon Coleman makes the point succinctly when he says:

“In the last century the practice of medicine has become no more than an adjunct to the pharmaceutical industry and the other aspects of the huge, powerful and immensely profitable health care industry. Medicine is no longer an independent profession. Doctors have become nothing more than a link connecting the pharmaceutical industry to the consumer.”

Why don’t we hear about this in the mainstream media? Good question, but one that requires its own blog entry to do justice to the topic.

No doubt the controversy will continue, at least until the time that enough of us say ‘no’ to vaccinations; then the industry will have to sit up and listen to us.

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