It’s not TB but ignorance that threatens to kill cattle and badgers

A recent news item in the UK states “The National Trust will next month begin the largest ever field trial of a vaccine to prevent the spread of bovine TB in badgers. The animals are thought to be partially responsible for the spread of the disease in cattle, which last year led to 24,899 animals being slaughtered at a cost of £63m.”

Cattle all around the world apparently can suffer from bovine TB and have done for a long time.

However, instead of dealing with the problem from its correct cause, which is covered at the end of this blog, the UK ‘authorities’ have decided to lay the blame on badgers, even though interestingly the report states that badgers are only ‘thought to be partially responsible’.

What is their reason for specifically holding badgers responsible then?

According to DEFRA’s website,
“Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is an infectious disease of cattle. It is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis), which can also infect and cause TB in badgers, deer, goats, pigs, camelids (llamas and alpacas), dogs and cats, as well as many other mammals.”

This statement is supported by a scientific paper from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State University that concludes that most mammals could be carriers of bovine TB.

So by their own criteria, the authorities admit that bTB can ‘infect’ many other mammals including humans, because M. bovis is classified as a zoonose, which means that it can be ‘transmitted’ between animals and humans.

Using their own definition, it could in fact be the cattle that are infecting the badgers.

So why are they planning to vaccinate badgers?

This is yet another example of a proposed solution to a problem that is doomed to failure, because the solution is based on the twin false premises of the ‘germ theory of disease’ and of the expectation that vaccination can ‘cure’ disease.

Based on the ‘germ theory’, bacteria are the causal agents for tuberculosis. But this is an incorrect premise, because there are many bacteria that live within us, and within other animals, when we are quite healthy. It is only when certain conditions arise within the body that their numbers proliferate. Even so, they are still not the causal agent, they are by-products of a ‘diseased’ state of the body.

This scenario can be likened to the analogy of flies on a dung heap; the flies have a reason to be there, but they are not the causal agents of the dung heap. If anything, they are the clean-up agents, which is much closer to the real function of at least some of the bacteria within a ‘diseased body’.

Additionally, the mainstream medical establishment promotes vaccinations on the basis that they are supposed to help build immunity to potentially harmful organisms that are attributed to being the cause of disease.

This statement that vaccinations provoke an immune response in the animal, or human, against the alleged ‘germ’ is stated as if proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

But that is most definitely not the case, because provoking activation of the immune system in response to a vaccine has not been scientifically proven to provide immunity to a disease.

A growing number of doctors now agree that injecting foreign material, especially foreign protein matter, and adjuvants into the body to try and produce immunity is highly questionable in its effectiveness and has the potential to do great harm, particularly when the vaccine adjuvants are known to be toxic.

Some of the toxic ingredients used are mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde and carbolic acid, to name just a few. Many of these additives have been linked to serious long term illness, deformities and even death. This is hardly surprising when it is known that mercury, for example, is one of the most toxic substances on earth. It is therefore impossible to understand how medical people can countenance the administration of these poisons to any living thing.

The true situation concerning infectious diseases and the ineffectiveness of vaccination is clearly indicated by the words of the late Dr Buchwald MD whose condemnation of vaccination is unequivocal, “Vaccines have never had the proclaimed preventive effect on infections. Vaccines don’t protect, but do harm. A scientific proof of their usefulness has never existed, whereas the severe, sometimes fatal, damages they cause are a proven fact.”

So the question is, what could be the cause of the bovine TB problem, if M. bovis is not the cause and vaccination is not protective?

For humans, TB is briefly an illness brought about through malnutrition and unsanitary living conditions.

Is the situation the same for cattle?

It is well known that feeding with processed, unnatural foodstuffs and the unnatural methods of animal management are some of the causes of animal ‘diseases’. These unnatural methods include such practices as regular disinfection with various chemicals that are known to be toxic as well as regular vaccinations and other ‘medical’ procedures that are purported to keep the animals healthy, but unfortunately do the complete opposite.

These are amongst the factors that will be responsible for any ill-health in the cattle. But there is another problem, the ‘test’ upon which the vet relies for diagnosing bovine TB? However the ‘test’ is interpreted, what it actually reveals is merely a reaction to a substance that has been injected into the animal. It is not an indicator of illness, because often the animal shows no symptoms, which is why it can be rather distressing for farmers when they hear what the ‘test’ result apparently shows.

It is likely that many of the nearly 25,000 animals that were slaughtered last year were healthy, which will no doubt be even more distressing news to the farmers whose cattle were slaughtered.

The damage that vaccines can cause is a subject that is never raised in the bovine TB and badger debate, but it should be raised so that people can be aware of the real dangers of this proposed badger vaccination programme as well as the flawed theory on which it is being based.

Otherwise, it might not be too long before the UK has no more badgers to blame.

You can learn more about the flawed basis of health in the mainstream medical establishment and discover how to become and stay well in our book, Why Germs Don’t Make You Ill and Drugs Can’t Cure You.

This entry was posted in Animal Welfare, Freedom of Speech, Health, Media Failure, Science, Tuberculosis, Vaccination. Bookmark the permalink.

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